
It all begins with play and experimentation. We love to think that artists have it all sorted out - they have natural talent, they don’t get stuck, wonder what to do, what decision to take next for this painting,. While the rest of us well…..we’re not ‘naturals’ so it’s going to be a struggle, right?. This is so not true - we all need to shake things up and look at things in a new way.

Getting a new perspective, being able to respond to the canvas or whatever your substrate and medium is, with fresh eyes and a brave heart when it all feels tough is key. Take a moment, walk away, let it be for a while. When you’re ready get back in there with a decisive move - it doesn’t have to be perfect, you don’t have to like it - but make a change. You weren’t happy before, at least this will take you forward. When we’re new to painting this can seem daunting - be brave, doing something different or out of our comfort zone can lead to exciting surprises and shifts in our work

Here’s a snippet of a remix session I had recently with Sam Jackson Artist- doing things differently by taking on a new persona and creating from that place. I developed an alter ego - representing an avenger of justice for the wrongs in the world, a warning of potential destruction as we continue to repeat patterns. Serious, huh? Yet, exploring from this persona was incredibly interesting and exciting. Having fun wherever you are working right now, at the kitchen table, in the studio, let yourself be free to explore. There is no right or wrong - your expression when coming from a place of authenticity is valid and valuable in your artistic journey.

27th November 2023